{"version":3,"sources":["reg/registration-notice.js"],"names":["notificationMessage","show","exclude"],"mappings":"aAGA,IAAAA,oBAAA,CAEIA,MAAAA,EACAC,QADsB,CAAA,uBAEtBC,QAAU","file":"registration-notice.js","sourcesContent":["// this is the file that's used for reg3 emergency notification, need to set show to true and update the message accordingly...\n// add query string noticetest=true in the url for testing purposes\n// default message format can be encoded html\n// IMPORTANT NOTICE:

If you're reading this that means you're awesome. There's really nothing going on, one of our office gremlins got loose and decided to be funny by turning on this notification. You can close this by clicking the \\\"x\\\" icon on the top right corner.

\n\nvar notificationMessage = {\n show: false,\n exclude: [\"checkout.domain.com\"], // list of domains that will NOT show the notification\n message: \"IMPORTANT NOTICE:

If you're reading this that means you're awesome. There's really nothing going on, one of our office gremlins got loose and decided to be funny by turning on this notification. You can close this by clicking the \\\"x\\\" icon on the top right corner.
